100 Prepping Supplies Every Prepper Should Have in Their Stockpile

100 Prepping Supplies Every Prepper Should Have in Their Stockpile

You can't afford to be caught unprepared in today's uncertain world. Building a comprehensive prepping stockpile is crucial for your survival in emergencies or disasters. From natural calamities to man-made crises, having the right prepping supplies can make the difference between life and death. Don't wait until it's too late to start gathering essential items for your family's safety and well-being.

This guide will walk you through the universal must-have items in everyone's survival stockpile, covering everything from food and water to medical supplies and self-defense. You'll learn about the essential gear needed for shelter, clothing, and communication in challenging situations. By the end, you'll clearly understand the basics of preparedness, and building a robust stockpile.

From there you can begin to customize your preparedness plan, add things that fit your needs, and remove things that don't. Preparedness is different for everyone, but this list covers some basics to get you started.

I have included a printable checklist for you to download below that contains a few more items not in this article. Some of these you probably already have, some you won’t need, and some you may not have thought about.


Essential Food and Water Supplies

Food and water are cornerstones of a good preparedness plan because they are essential for survival, physical health, and overall well-being during emergencies or disasters. Without access to these basic necessities, nothing else really matters.

Food Storage Options

Start by focusing on shelf-stable foods with long expiration dates. Grains like wheat, oats, and rice can last for years when stored properly. Stock up on beans, lentils, and dried fruits for protein and nutrients. Don't forget canned goods – they're versatile and have a long shelf life. For maximum storage time, keep your food in airtight containers away from heat, light, and moisture.

By stockpiling and planning for long-term access to a variety of foods, preppers safeguard against the unpredictable nature of emergencies, giving themselves the resources to weather a crisis without relying on overwhelmed or non-functioning external systems. Proper planning helps sustain both physical health and emotional well-being, which are crucial for surviving and thriving during a disaster.

Long-Term Food Items

Focus on calorie-dense, nutrient-rich foods with a long shelf life that will keep you going in an emergency.


  • Peanut Butter
  • Dried Beans and Legumes
  • Canned Meats and Fish
  • Freeze-dried Fruits and Vegetables
  • Powdered Milk
  • Rice, Pasta, Flour, Yeast
  • Canned Food: Soup, Vegetables, Fruit, Meat
  • Peanut Butter
  • Salt, Sugar, Spices
  • Powdered Milk
  • Drink Mixes
  • Lots of Extra Coffee
  • Extra Supplies for Your Pets
  • Seeds for a Garden
  • Canning Jars, Mylar Bags, O2 Absorbers
  • Cooking Options (Indoor and Outdoor)
  • Don’t Forget the Water!

Buckets Of Long-Term Storable Food

Here at MySurvivalfoods, we offer a range of long-term food storage meals. These are a great addition to a food storage plan because they have a 25-year shelflife, and come in buckets making them easy and convenient to store. It’s a great way to quickly bulk up your food storage from one week to one month or one year.

We also have a handy chart that will give you an idea about how much you might need. And if you have any questions about quantity, discounts, or anything else just contect me and I’ll email you back.

Nutritional Supplements

Don't overlook the importance of vitamins and minerals. In a crisis, you might not have access to a balanced diet. Store multivitamins and key supplements like Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and iron to prevent deficiencies. Remember, your health is crucial for survival.

Water Filtration and Storage

Water is critical – you won't last long without it. Aim to store a couple gallons per person per day. Consider investing in a quality water filter or countertop purification system to ensure a safe water supply. Look for options that remove bacteria, parasites, and other contaminants. Store water in food-grade containers and rotate your supply regularly.


  • A Portable Water Filter
  • A Quality Water Filter
  • Purification Tablets
  • A Rainwater Collection System and/or Water Storage Containers
  • Learn About Diy Water Purification

Crucial Medical and First Aid Items

Having the right medical supplies is crucial in any emergency or disaster scenario because access to professional medical care may be limited or unavailable. A well-stocked medical kit can help manage minor injuries, larger injuries, or even stabilize someone until professional help arrives.

First Aid Kit Essentials

Start by assembling a comprehensive first aid kit. Include adhesive bandages, gauze pads, and medical tape for wound care. Don't forget antiseptic wipes and antibiotic ointment to prevent infections. Add scissors, tweezers, and a digital thermometer for basic medical procedures. Include disposable gloves to protect yourself when treating others. Remember, a well-stocked first aid kit can mean the difference between life and death in an emergency.


  • Smaller Medical Kits (Cars & Go Bags)
  • Pet Medical Supplies
  • A Large Emergency Medical Kit
  • PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) Gloves, Masks, Gowns
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • First Aid Classes & Training

Over-the-Counter Medications

Stock up on essential OTC medications any chance you get. Pain relievers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen are crucial. Include antacids for digestive issues and antihistamines for allergic reactions. Don't overlook anti-diarrhea medicine and oral rehydration salts – these can be lifesavers during gastrointestinal emergencies. Add cough suppressants and decongestants for respiratory issues.
Remember, having these medications on hand can provide quick relief when professional medical help isn't available.

Prescription Medications

If you take prescription medications, act now to secure an emergency supply. Talk to your doctor about getting a 60 or 90-day refill for your stockpile. You can also try Jace Medical to get up to a 12-month emergency supply of your current daily prescription medication.

Don't forget to include any necessary medical devices like inhalers, EpiPens, or diabetes testing supplies. Store insulin properly to maintain its effectiveness. Remember, running out of critical medications during a crisis can be life-threatening.

Hygiene Products

Maintain proper hygiene to prevent illness and infection. Stock up on hand sanitizer, soap, and disinfectant wipes. Include dental care items like toothbrushes and toothpaste. For women, don't forget feminine hygiene products. Add toilet paper and wet wipes for personal cleanliness. Remember, good hygiene is your first line of defense against disease in an emergency.


  • Toilet Paper
  • Extra Soap And Shampoo
  • Extra Toothpaste
  • Extra Razors
  • Bottles Of Bleach
  • Trash Bags
  • Old School Washtub (Bucket & Washboard)

Shelter and Clothing Necessities

Shelter and extra clothing are crucial in an emergency preparedness plan because they ensure physical protection, help regulate body temperature, and contribute to both short-term survival and long-term resilience. By maintaining proper shelter and clothing, individuals can safeguard themselves against weather extremes, prevent life-threatening conditions like hypothermia and heatstroke, and improve their overall ability to survive during an extended emergency.

Emergency Shelter Options

You must have a reliable shelter to protect you from the elements. Consider a sturdy tent or a tarp for a quick setup. For long-term safety, although not realistic for most people a cabin in the woods is ideal. It provides shelter and allows you to grow food and hunt. Remember, a well-built shelter is more valuable than any tactical planning.

More realistically we need to make sure the home we live in now will still supply our shelter needs in a disaster. By focusing on home safety, energy efficiency, disaster preparedness, comfort, and self-sufficiency, you can transform your home into a safer, more resilient, and enjoyable space for you and your family.

Each small improvement builds toward a home that is not only functional but also better equipped to handle any situation—whether it’s everyday living or a disaster scenario.


  • Reinforced Doors & Windows
  • Security Cameras & Motion Lights
  • Plastic Sheeting for Windows
  • Space Heaters
  • Extra Fans If You Live In A Hot Climate
  • Smoke Alarms & Fire Extinguishers

Weather-Appropriate Clothing

Your clothing can mean the difference between life and death. Focus on durable, lightweight materials that protect you from the elements. Wool is excellent for insulation, even when wet. Avoid cotton for base layers as it traps moisture. Look for reinforced seams and extra stitching for longevity.


  • Lots Of Warm Socks (Wool)
  • Long Underwear
  • Durable & Lightweight Material
  • Easily Packs Away in Storage Bins

Bedding and Sleeping Gear

Invest in a quality sleeping bag immediately. A 3-season bag rated for 15-30°F is versatile for most American climates. Don't forget a sleeping bag liner for temperature flexibility. For extreme cold, consider a bag rated for near-zero temperatures. Remember, proper insulation is crucial for survival.


  • Extra Blankets
  • Extra Sleeping Bags
  • Bed Rolls
  • Pillows
  • Layers of Clothing
  • Tools and Equipment for Survival

Tools and Equipment for Survival

Tools and survival gear are essential in emergency preparedness and survival situations because they provide the means to address a wide range of needs when access to modern conveniences and services (like electricity, plumbing, and professional medical help) may be unavailable.

Multi-Purpose Tools

Invest in a quality multi-tool immediately. These tools pack multiple functions into one compact device, including a knife blade, pliers, wire cutters, and screwdrivers. Remember, a good multi-tool is the one you'll carry and use regularly.

Household tools like shovels, axes, hammers, and screwdrivers can be incredibly helpful in an emergency situation. While these are often thought of as regular home or garden tools, they become crucial in survival, repair, and rescue tasks when modern services and conveniences are unavailable.


  • Screwdrivers
  • Cordless Drill
  • Gardening Tools
  • Saws
  • A Hammer
  • An Axe
  • A Shovel
  • Work Gloves

Fire Starting Equipment

Fire is crucial for survival. Stock up on waterproof matches, lighters, and fire starters like Ferro rods. Don't rely on just one method – have multiple options. Include tinder materials such as cotton balls soaked in petroleum jelly or fatwood. Practice fire-starting techniques now, before you need them in an emergency.
Other Survival Gear

In preparednesss we often prioritize specific survival supplies that can help them handle a wide range of emergencies, from natural disasters to societal breakdowns. These supplies focus on the basic necessities of human survival: food, water, shelter, protection, communication, and health.


  • A pocket knife
  • A Full Tang Knife
  • Water Purification
  • First Aid Supplies
  • Duct Tape
  • Zip Ties
  • Paracord and Other Cordage

Power & Lighting Options

Prepare for power outages with diverse lighting sources. Battery-powered flashlights and headlamps are essential. Consider solar-powered options like the Liberty Band® Emergency Solar Radio, which doubles as a light source and can charge other devices. Don't forget long-lasting chemical light sticks for emergencies.


  • A Conventional Generator And A Solar Generator
  • Lighters Or Matches
  • Candles
  • Flashlights Or Lanterns
  • Plenty Of Wood To Burn
  • A Battery-Powered Radio
  • Extra Batteries
  • Solar Chargers
  • Fuel storage - a half a tank is empty

Communication Devices

In a crisis, information is vital. Equip yourself with a hand-crank or solar-powered radio to receive emergency broadcasts. Consider walkie-talkies for short-range communication with your group. For longer distances, a CB radio or HAM radio (with proper licensing) can be lifesavers. Act now to secure these critical tools – your survival may depend on it.

Self-Defense and Security Supplies

Arm yourself with effective self-defense tools. The OC Intruder-Buster Tripline Pepper Spray System is a must-have for home protection. For personal safety on-the-go, consider the Safety Technology SAL Stun Gun or the Runt Stun Gun with Flashlight. Don't forget the Baltimore Basher Billy Club for close-quarters defense. Keep Wild Kat Keychains and the Comb Knife handy for discreet protection.

Home Security Measures

Fortify your home immediately. Install security cameras to deter intruders and gather crucial evidence. Blink cameras offer easy setup and amazing battery life. For budget-friendly options, try the WYZE Cam OG. Secure doors with solid core or steel construction. Reinforce windows with shatterproof film or decorative metal bars. Don't overlook basement windows – install metal grates that open from inside only.

Tactical Gear

Equip yourself with military-grade protection. Invest in a tactical plate carrier to shield against gunshots. Get an assault pack for emergency mobility. Protect your head with a tactical helmet and your feet with durable tactical boots. Don't forget hand and eye protection – tactical gloves and ballistic glasses are essential.

Surveillance Equipment

Stay vigilant with advanced monitoring systems. Choose cameras that capture clear footage for quick decision-making. Consider the Sansco CCTV system for off-grid security. Remember, cameras not only record evidence but also serve as powerful deterrents. Act now to secure your property – your life may depend on it.


Preparing for emergencies is not just a hobby, it's a necessity in today's uncertain world. By stocking up on essential supplies across various categories, you're taking a big step to protect yourself and your loved ones. From food and water to medical supplies, shelter, tools, and self-defense gear, each item in your stockpile plays a crucial role to ensure your survival during tough times.

Remember, the key to effective prepping is not just having supplies, but also knowing how to use them. Take the time to familiarize yourself with your gear, practice essential skills, and keep your supplies updated. By doing so, you'll be ready to face whatever challenges come your way, giving you peace of mind and a better chance of making it through any crisis.

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